

BOST is prequalified with the National Prequalification System Construction Industry (Civil Construction, Road & Bridge) for R3, B1, F25 & landscape construction. BOST also has 3rd party accreditation of its management systems for safety, environment and quality to AS/NZS 4801:2001, ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 9001:2008 respectively.

BOST is compliant with all EEO legislation and is an equal opportunity employer and is not listed with the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency as a non-compliant organization.

Environmental Management System, Safety & Probity

BOST takes safety and environmental management of our projects very seriously. We are developing a culture of safety first throughout our organization. Safety in the first topic on all our management and site meetings and is the first consideration when commencing any activity.

BOST have a full time System Manager who is responsible to ensure BOST’s systems are understood and implemented by all BOST staff. Prior to the commencement of any project, BOST’s Construction Manager and Site Supervisor will undertake a full prestart assessment of all environmental, quality and safety aspects associated with the works. This audit will form the basis of any changes to BOST Project Management Plans, Inspection and Test Plans and Safe Work Method Statements. All Project Management Plans and associated material will be submitted to the Project Superintendent for information prior to implementation.

BOST prides itself on its ability to comply with all legislative and contract requirements. This has resulted in the award to BOST by DEWR of certification that our systems comply with the National Code of Practice for the Construction Industry.

BOST’s Safe Work Management System

  • Management commitment and policy
  • Risk Assessment
  • Safe Work Method Statements
  • Training
  • Toolbox meetings
  • Site Rules
  • Site Inductions
  • Continuous review and improvement
  • Qualified supervision
  • Trained first aiders

Work Health & Safety System

Workplace health and safety is at the forefront of all of BOST’s activities. We are developing a culture of thinking safety first throughout all levels of our organization. BOST has in place a Safety Management System which is 3rd party accredited to AS/NAS4801:2004.

BOST’s safety record is demonstrated by our Lost Time Injury record of 21.17 over the last 12 months.

BOST’s Safe Work Management System consists of the following components


Commitment & Policy

BOST has a Safety Policy which is issued by BOST’s Managing Director. The Policy is backed up with commitment of necessary resources for the intent of the policy to be delivered. This includes provision of a System Manager to assist with implementation of the Safety Management System as well as training and rehabilitation. The System Manager also facilitates audits of the Safety Management System and delivers system improvements when necessary.


Risk Assessment

Before undertaking any new project or assignment, BOST’s Construction Manager and Project Manager will undertake a risk assessment to identify risks and determine methods to eliminate or reduce those risks identified. The risk assessment is documented on a checklist which is appended to the project plan.


Safe Work
Method Statements

Following the completion of the risk assessment the current SWMS of which there are 32 in total are reviewed and modified as needed to address the high risk activities associated with the new project. Additional SWMS are written to address any new high risk activities and the SWMS are included in the project plan.



At the commencement of each new project as well as occasionally during the project all BOST staff working on site are given training on the SWMS for activities on when they are to work during their time on site. The staff signs onto the SWMS they have been trained in as confirmation that the SWMS nominated has been explained and its contents clearly understood.



Toolbox meetings are an essential part of BOST’s Safety Management System as they are the main opportunity for staff to raise and comment on safety issues. On most projects toolbox meetings will be held once every fortnight on site immediately following a meal break while all workmen on the site are gathered in on location. The toolbox meetings are generally chaired by either the project manager or construction manager however input from workers is highly encouraged. Toolbox meetings are recorded on a special form so that outcomes can be followed up to ensure actions are implemented.



All workers on site are given a site specific induction prior to commencing work on site. The induction would generally cover an overview of the site and current activities, review of the site rules and all relevant SWMS which will apply to activities the workers will be doing. Following the site induction the new worker will fill in the induction registers which record white card number emergency contact, medical conditions, licenses and competencies as well as a sign on to the site rules.



All BOST sites have a list of site rules which are given to each worker on the site on their first day and are also posted on the site sheds in a prominent position.


Continuous Review &

BOST’s Safety Management System is in a condition of continuous review and improvement. This includes toolbox meeting feedback, review of Safe Work Method Statements, internal and external audits.



All BOST sites are run from site by experienced Site Supervisors. The Site Supervisors are hands on members of the site teams and lead by example. If on isolated occasions the project manager is required to be absent from the site for a period of time then a suitably trained leading hand is delegated with supervision of the site during the Site Supervisors absence.


Trained First

All of BOST’s project managers and leading hands are trained first aid officers. This training is reviewed and updated as required.